Identification and study of cultural conditions affecting Neomycinantibiotic produced by Streptomyces sp. N


  • Abd. l Malik W
  • Alkaragoli, R. S.
  • Algafari, R. N.



Cuftural conditions affecting antibiotic production by local isolate of Streptomyces sp. N were studied. Cultural conditions included groMh medium, growth temperature,pH, and ion effect. The study showed that this local isolate was able to produce neomycin antibiotic. This compound showed a biological activity against gram - positive, and gram - negative bacteria. This effect was variable depending on the factors studied. Media of antibiotic production, R2 medium, and complete medium rvere better for Slreptomyces growth. Growth of the organism for 5 days gave the largest inhibition zones against test bacteria. The organism shorved better gror,l,th and antibiotic production when cultivated at 370C. The pH of the medium showed a dramatic effect on antibiotic production since low pH had increased antibiotic release to the medium resulting in observed increased in the biological activity. Ions like phosplrate and citrate shorved diff'erenteff'ecton the antibiotic production. Tlrc phosphate had shorvn an enltancing effect rvhere as citrate inhibit antibiotic production and lowercd the grolvth of the organism on cultivation media.




How to Cite

l Malik W A, R. S. A, R. N. A. Identification and study of cultural conditions affecting Neomycinantibiotic produced by Streptomyces sp. N. Tikrit J. Pharm. Sci. [Internet]. 2023 Apr. 11 [cited 2025 Mar. 9];4(1):37-43. Available from: