Influences of clarithromycin on the primary functions of human polymorphnuclear leucocytes against Streptococcus pneumoniae
Current antibiotic therapy encourages the use of antibiotics that may potentiate the host's immune defense. Antibiotics that can interact positively with the immune response and that also possess microbicidal properties might significantly contribute to improving the outcome of St.pnetimoniae inlections .Therefore, in the present study rve investigated the effect of clarithrornycin,an extended spectrum macrolide currently used in the treatment of respiratory tract infections ,on the in vitro interaction bctrveen human polymorphnuclear granulocytes (PMN) and strains of St.pneumoniae with different resistance patterns to penicillin .At a concentration of one -half the minimal inhibitory concentration(MlC),clarithromycin, an significantly enhanced human PMN functions particularly intracclltrlar bactcricidal activity, agninst all thc St,pncumonirrc strains,our findings support the use of clnritlrrornycin in the trcatmcnt of rcspiratory tract infcctions causcd by St.prtcurnoniac as it acts directly against thc pathogcn as rvcll as in coopcration rvith PMNs by cliciting thcir intraccllular killing.
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