Effect of Tadalafil in Comparison with Clobetasol ointment in induced Psoriasis in Mice Male


  • Nihad Hussein Ahmed Depart of Pharmacology and Toxicology, College of Pharmacy, Tikirit University, Iraq
  • Adeeb Ahmed Kadhim Al-Zubaidy
  • Ban Jumaah Qasim Depart of Pathology , College of Medicine, Al-Nahrain University, Baghdad, Iraq




Psoriasis, Tadalafil, Topical gel, Imiquimod, Cytokines


Psoriasis is an immune-mediated chronic inflammatory skin disease. It is define as a clinical entity, affecting the skin, nails, mucous membranes, and joints. The psoriasis pathogenesis primarily shares the combined influence of several gene susceptibilities and incorrect of the immune system together with pervasive risk factors of environment. Tadalafil is a strong phosphodiesterase- 5 blocker that relaxes smooth muscle and prevents the breakdown of the cyclic guanosine monophosphate. The aim is to evaluate the possible beneficial effect of oral tadalafil plus tadalafil gel in comparison with clobetasol in induced psoriasis in mice. Accordingly, forty male BALB/c Albino mice animal experiments in the stage of age 8-11 weeks and body mass ranged 25-40 g; were divided equally into four groups (ten mice/group) after their skin of the dorsal back and right ear being shaved for topical application: Group I (normal control) healthy mice without treatment. Group II (Induction group) in which mice experiment administered topical dose of a limited dose of imiquimod cream (5%) for seven days. The following groups (III and IV), after being received imiquimod cream (5%) as mentioned in the induction group, mice were treated for a further two weeks with either clobetasol ointment (0.05%) topically once daily (clobetasol group), tadalafil gel (0.05%) topically once daily plus oral tadalafil in a dose of 5 mg/kg once daily (tadalafil gel + oral group). This study demonstrated a highly significant reduction in pro-inflammatory tumor necrosis factor-α and interlukin-23 profile, with no significant decrease in the level of interlukin-17 and vascular endothelial growth factor, and significantly elevation in transforming growth factor-β level in tadalafil gel plus oral group in comparison to the induction group.
This study conclude the possible effect of anti-inflammatory activity of oral and gel of tadalafil on skin homogenate parameters in comparison with clobetasol in induced psoriasis in mice.

Effect of Tadalafil in Comparison with Clobetasol ointment in induced Psoriasis in Mice Male




How to Cite

Nihad Hussein Ahmed, Al-Zubaidy AAK, Ban Jumaah Qasim. Effect of Tadalafil in Comparison with Clobetasol ointment in induced Psoriasis in Mice Male. Tikrit J. Pharm. Sci. [Internet]. 2022 Dec. 16 [cited 2025 Mar. 12];16(1):9-18. Available from: https://tjphs.tu.edu.iq/index.php/j/article/view/12