The role of some antioxidents in treatment of adultbronchial asthma
This study has been performed to evaluate the role of antioxidants in the treatment of bronchial asthma in adult patients. The specific objectives of this study are to evaluate the therapeutic effect of antioxidants in the treatment of branchial asthma in adult patients and whether the proper supplementation of antioxidants decreases the exacerbation of asthmatic attack. This study was conducted during the period from February through December 2008. Eighty asthmatic patients were included in this study. The patients were classified into 2 groups; first group was treated with vitamin E (tablet of 400 units per day) for 2 months duration, and those include 40 patients (24 males and l6 females), they have been subdivided according to the severity into mild asthma (28 patients) and moderate asthma (12 patients), while the other group of patients was treated with vitamin E (tablet of 400 units per day) and selenium (tablet 100 pg two times daily after meal) for 2 rnonths, and those include 40 patients (27 males and 13 females), and they have been subdivided according to the severity into mild asthma (29 patients) and moderate asthma (11 patients). The results revealed a significant inerease in peak expiratory flow rate (560.25 liter/min)after treatment with vitamin E, than before treatment with vitamin E(524.5 liter/min), while a highly significant decrease in serum rnalclndialdehyde was recorded after treatment with vitamin E(2.98 nmollml) than before treatment with vitamin E (3.85 nmol/ml). There was significant increase in peak expiratory flow rate after treatment with vitamin E and selenium (567,25 liter/min) than before treatment (558.0 liter/rnin), serum rnalondialdehyde shows a highly significant decrease after treatment with vitamin E and selenium (1.60 nmol/ml) than befcrre treatment (3.67 nmollml). The results also reveals a clinical improvement in those patients who received vitamin E and seleniurn, because vitamin E and selenium are a better antioxidant than vitamin E alone, and this proved by a lower serum malondialdehyde level in patients who had been received vitamin E and selenium
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