Comparison of post-tonsillectomy analgesic drugs (Paracetamol,Diclofenac sodium, and Tramadol)
To compare the effectiveness of using paracetamol, diclofenac sodium, and tramadol in controlling post tonsillectomy pain in immediate post-operative period. Sixty patients from 10 to 30 years old undergoing tonsillectomy by classical cold steei method and homeostasis done by ligation r,vith or without electrocauterization. We divided them into three groups according to the type of analgesic drug received in the immediate post operative period: Group A (20 patients) received paracetamol injection 15mg/kg/dose. Group B. (20 patients) received diclofenac sodium injection l.25mglkg lday. Group C (20 patients) received tramadol injectionlmg/kg/dose. Post-operative pain assessed clinically and according to visual analogue scales during rest and deglutition. 8 patients (40%) of group A have good response VAS less than 30 mm with mild discomfort, 15 patients (75%) of group B have good response and in group C 17 patients (85%) have VAS less than 30 mm with mild discomfort. There was significant difference between group B and C in comparison with group A (p:0.039), but there was no significant difference between group'B and group C (p >0.05). Tramadol and diclofenac sodium are most effective in controlling post tonsillectomy pain even in those patients who have tonsillectomy with e lectrocauterization.
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