Formulation and Stability Studies of Chloramphenicol asOphthalmic Eye Drop


  • Faris . T. Abachi
  • Nuha Nasoh Al- Deeb
  • Fadhil Bander



TI1e cltloiamphenicol is D+threo (-) 2,2 dichloro-N--hydroxy -a( hydroxyl methyl)-p­n.itropbenyl acetamide, a bacterioststic and highly effective antibacterial against gr(+) and gr (-) ocular patbogenic bacteria causing conjunctivitis or corn.ea] ulcers. The ophthalmi.c preparations of chloramphen.icol are produced in different formulation due to its lower stability . Therefore , the present study introduce the know-how for the production of cholramphenicol sterjle ophthalmic solution. The ophthalmic preparations of ch1oramphenicol 0.4% are not produced ir,i Syria as well as the actice agent. Therefore , the prepared report produces the know -bow for the production and study the stability for sterile solution. chloramphenicol for ophlha1mic solution is a sterile, dsy mixture with borax buffer .The active ingredient is chloramphenicol at concentration ( 40mg I ml ) was prepared under aseptic conditions. The fait yellow color ophthalmic so1ution , clear , sterile , isotonic with 306 mOsm / Kg , the pH measured at 6.51. This so1ution did not cause any eye irritation in rabbits after daily application for four consecutive days . Finally , tbe stability of the prepared chloramphenicol 0.4 % eye drops was studied at 4, 25 , 40 and 50C0 for 90 days in glass amber containers and calculated tl1e expiration date of the preparation on was approximately two years




How to Cite

T. Abachi, F. ., Nasoh Al- Deeb, N., & Bander, F. (2023). Formulation and Stability Studies of Chloramphenicol asOphthalmic Eye Drop. Tikrit Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences, 6(1), 70–77.