The therapeutic effect of Nigel/a sativa seed oil in treatment of chronic urticaria


  • Ali E. AI-Snafi Dept. of Pharmacology, Tikrit College of Pharmacy
  • Abdul Ghani M. AI-Samarai Dept. of Pharmacology, Tikrit College of Pharmacy
  • Ahmed M. AI­ Sabawi Dept. of Medicine, Tikrit College of Medicine



Urticaria is a common disease which affects an approximately 15-25% of the population at some point during their life time. Chronic urticaria indicates the presence of hives for a protracted period (>6weeks). Antihistamines, steroids and immune suppressants are needed for the treatment of chronic miicaric. This study was designed to investigate the therapeutic effects of Nigella sative oil in the treatment of chronic urticaria. The results showed that 400 mg twice daily of Nigella sativa oil (in gelatin capsule) was significantly increase cure rate. It also significantly decreases log1 o IgE and improves tolerability of patients to exacerbating factors. The effects of Nigella sativa oil in urticaria could be attributed to inhibition of histamine release, blocking of histamine effects and inhibition of ecosanoides formation from arachidonic acid.


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How to Cite

E. AI-Snafi A, M. AI-Samarai AG, M. AI­ Sabawi A. The therapeutic effect of Nigel/a sativa seed oil in treatment of chronic urticaria. Tikrit J. Pharm. Sci. [Internet]. 2023 Mar. 25 [cited 2025 Mar. 14];1(1):1-6. Available from: