Evaluation of alpha- amylase activity in serum and saliva of normal individuals and patients with jaundice


  • Hazim H. Eddan Al- Mustansseria University- College of Medicine
  • Jinan F. AI Dahhan Tikrit University - College of Medicine
  • Wasan N. Al- Assee Tikrit University - College of Education
  • Barak F. Sulaiman General Mousl Hospita




Enzymes are very important components in the biological system. a-Amylase is one of these enzymes, it is one of the hydrolytic enzymes that breaks down the dietary starch and glycogen to glucose and maltose. The present study is conducted to evaluate a-Amylase activity in serum and saliva of patients with jaundice in comparison it with the enzyme activity in the serum and saliva of healthy individuals. That is, to provide further information about the relationship between jaundice and a­Amylase activity. Estimation of a-Amylase activity in serum and saliva was made by
Amyloclastic (iodometric) method.
A 120 samples of serum and saliva were collected; 50 samples represented the control group whose ages range between (20-55) years and 70 samples were the patient with jaundice group whose ages range between ( 15-55) years. Alpha-amylase activity appeared significantly higher in normal individuals (both in serum and saliva in comparison with patients with jaundice.


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How to Cite

H. Eddan H, F. AI Dahhan J, N. Al- Assee W, F. Sulaiman B. Evaluation of alpha- amylase activity in serum and saliva of normal individuals and patients with jaundice. Tikrit J. Pharm. Sci. [Internet]. 2023 Mar. 25 [cited 2025 Mar. 14];1(1):50-7. Available from: https://tjphs.tu.edu.iq/index.php/j/article/view/31