The relaxant effect of some drugs and aqueous extract of medicinal plants on bronchial smooth muscle in rabbits
Histamine is a biogenic amine. that produces bronchospasm when it is used (I V) at.a.dose of 0.4 mg / kg in rabbits. It significantly reduced the ,e*- l"u"i. oi calcium (Ca) magnesium (Mg) and selenium (Se). (p < 0.05) . Forty rabbits were involved in this study. The serum ca, Mg and Se levels were measured before and after giving histamine and following [e administration oi aqueous extract of medicinal plants Cumi'um cyminum (cumin), Thymus vulgaris (thyme) and Anthemis nobilis (chamomile). ^ The serum Ca, Mg and Se levels of were highly elevated after treatment with extract cumin or chamomile in rabbits pretreated with histamine, the resurts of ca were changed lrom 8.34+ 0.40 and 8.79+ 0,27 to 33.41+ 0.50 and 97.62 ! 7.2 1tg /dl respectively while that of Mg from 20.20+ 0.37 and 19.47+ 0.31 to 74.97+ 0.ii and 89.14+ 1.41 pg /dl where as the serum level of Se was changed from 137.9g+ 0.4g and 145 36 + 0.66 ro 302.69 ! 0.6g and 245.4r,' 0.g1 pg /direspectivery .All these results were significant at p<0.05. The aqueous extracts of cumin or chamomile were used orally at a dose of 1.5 gm /kg in rabbits to relieve the bronchospasm and symptoms of dyspnea induced iy histamine. These results indicated crearly the po*iuiiity of using these extracts flr patients with chronic asthma after the adjustment ofthe effective dose.
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