Evaluation of The Effects ofAmlodipine Therapy on Blood Pressure and KidneyFunction among Hypertensive Patients in Mosul City
The present snrdy was mnducted to evaluate fte effect of amlodipine on blmd p€ssurc and kidney function in
patients in Mosul clb,. Thirty patients participated in ftis S.rdy ( 14 female ard 16 nrale )
Arnlodipine was administercd for a period of 8 weeks in doses of 5 to l0 mg once daily. Antlripentensive efficacy was
assesd by measurement of blood pressure by standand mercury sphygmomanometer before and afur rcdnent . Blood
sampleswercobtained fiomeachpatientbeforeardafurteatnentand tlreobtainedserawereanalpodforruralpaarnetas
vririch they all measr"ned in serum by using mlorimetic and en4anaic mehod. Credinine cleararce was calculded bywing
the Cockoft and Gault ecluation.
The resulb of the study showd that anlodipine drerqpy lead tl a sigrificant reduction in blood pressue tllrugfrout the
study and about 5fflo ofthe patien8 exhibit BP reduction tc notmal values afur drerapy. CreAinine clearance was significarfly
increased afur the end of the sudy . All other renal parameten including urea , credinine, sodilnn and potassium
concentdions showed a sigrificant reductions. It was concluded that therapy with arnlodipine car be useful ard effedive
flrcmpyinhpefiensivepaientswith deterioratdkidneysfi.lictionin oncedailydosage.
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