Prevalance of self - medication( self - Drug use)in Hadhramout Governorate
Self-medication is worldwide method of prevention and treatment of many health problems and self -use of drugs is commonly practiced. To evaluate the prevalence of this problem in our community in Hadhramout this study was conducted.Data were collected from randomly selected dispensaries and drug stores in the four largest cities in Hadhramout, Mukalla,Al-shiher ,,Al-ghail &Sayoon during the period October - December 1999 .1100 out of 4040 (27% ) were self-drug users .(39%) were 21-30years age ,(22%) over 40 years and (I4%) bellow l0years.(67%") of self- drug user were of primary school level of education and bellow, (17%o)of secondary school and (16%o) of university level. The most common methods of drug requisition were to desuibe the complaints to the dispenser (35.8%o), (21.4%o) showed sample of drug or empty container and some brought an old prescription (11.5%o). some other methods of requisition were also seen. Analgesics-antipyretics were the most drugs requested (35.7%o), antibiotics (25.9%o), drugs for respiratory system (10.4%o), ant parasitic (5.2%") and antacids (5%Q. Tonics and drugs for DM, HTN were also requested by this methods. The most common cause of self- medication were previous experience (48.3%o), advises from relatives andfriends (10.3%o) and thinking of simplicity of the diseases that no need to consult a doctor (10.3%o). (60%0) of the patients lrnow some adverse reaction of the drugs, (25%o) knew and (15%r) didn't know about .Of all the patients (42.8%0) practicing self-medication occasionally, (31%o) very rarely and (26.2%o) mostfor the timeslt is concluded that self-drug use is commonly practiced in our community as affirdable and easy way of treatment by dffirent age groups and at all levels
of education. There is misuse and iirational over use of not only the OTC drugs but almost every Qpe of drugs. Suitable health education programs, Proper regulations and close observation is recommended
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