The Effects of Activated Sodium Bentonite on Distributed ThreeTypes of Mycotoxins in Blood, Liver and Kidney of BroilerChicks


  • Mohammad. J. Mohammed
  • Jamel M. Saed
  • Karkaz M. Thalej



Tlris study have been don to know the effects of addingO.50/o of Activated Sodium Bentonite (ASB)wiih 2.5 mgof aflatoxins (AF), 4 mg of ochratoxins (OCH), and 4 mg of T-2 toxin/kg of diets singly or in combination for each of OCH or T-2 toxin with AF on the distribution and levels olaflatoxin Bl (AFBI), aflatoxin Ml (AFMI), Ochratoxin A (OA), and T-2 toxin in blood, liver, and kidney of the broiler chicks fed from 1 to 2l days age. The results indicated that tlre residue's concentration of AFBl and AFM1 in the samples of blood , liver, and kidney were significantly (p<0.05) decreased when we add the AF alone with ASB in the diet of chicks (as shown with treatment T2) which equal to(4.35 and 8.40.ngiml), (18.50 and135.9 nglg),and (12.25 and i25.0 nglg) respectively. Also there are significant decrease in the concentrations of AFBland AFM1 values with the occurrence of ASB with AF plus OCH in the chicks diet (as shown with treatment T6) which were equal to (5.55 and I235ng/ml), (16.25and 153.1 ng/g) and (11.65 and 189.8 ng/g) in the blood, liver and kidney sarnplei respectively. Moreover, when the occurrence the ASB with AF in combination with T-2 toxin in the diet of chicks (as shown with treatment T10) there are also significant decreases between the values of (AFBI)&(AFM1) over the blood samples (6.I5 and 12.45 ng/ml), the liver samples (19.30 and 164.2 nglg) and the kidney samples (19.80 and 147.3 nglg) respectively. However, there is no significance between OA& T-2 toxin values in both 6 and 10 treatments. All the above significant values were compared with the residue colcentrations of AFBI and AFMI in the samples of blood, liver, and kidney from broiler chicks fed diets containing the same toxins without ASB (treatments T1, T5, and T9). The concentration of OA orT-2 toxin in samples of blood, liverand kidney from chicks fed diets containing OCH or T-2 toxin alone or in combination with AF and ASB (treatments T4,T6, T8, and T10) were not significantly effective when compared with the samples from chicks fed the diet containing the same toxins without ASB (treatmentsT3, T5, T7, and T9) respectively. From the results also show, the combination of AF with each OCH or T-2 toxin in the diets of broiler chicks causes a significantly increased in the residues of AFBI, AFMI, OA, and T-2 toxin in blood, liver, and kidney samples when compared with the same samples of chicks fed diets containing each'tsxin alone




How to Cite

J. Mohammed M, M. Saed J, M. Thalej K. The Effects of Activated Sodium Bentonite on Distributed ThreeTypes of Mycotoxins in Blood, Liver and Kidney of BroilerChicks. Tikrit J. Pharm. Sci. [Internet]. 2023 Mar. 30 [cited 2025 Mar. 31];3(1):6-12. Available from: