Anatomical and statistical study of hip joints in Iraqis
As the environruerrt plays an important role in the development of hurnan being it was thought that the change in the environment rnight have led to some kind of change in the pararneters of the bony component of the hip joint. Therefore,54 cadaveric hip joints with soft tissue in situ n'cre studied. Dimensions of acetabulum and iemoral head were obtained rvith Vernier scale. It r,vas observed that these dimensions were greater in males when compared with that of fernales but the difference was statistically rion significant. On the left side the measured parameters were greater than those of the right side in both tlte sexes but of no statistical significance. Acetabular diarneter was greater than the diameter of l'emoral head in both tlre genders. Clinically, this knowledge plays an irnportaut role in understandiltg the occurrence of primary osteoarthrosis in Iraqis. The present study is of value to the forensic expefts, orthopaedicians and prosthetists as it gives the dimensions of acetabulr.rm arrd fenroral head
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