Knowledge and attitude of breast feeding of female students
To assess knowledge and attitude of college girls, Medicine, Phannacy and Arts in Baghdad City towards breast feeding. Across-sectional study with a random sample of 258 female studies during period of 1994-1998 from girls, medical, pharmacy & art college in Baghdad City, using a self-administered questionnaire. The ages of the females ranged from 18 to 32 years. About 13% of them received some health education about breast feeding. One-quarter reported that they leamed about breast feeding at school. About 4% of students learned from their mothers. Less than half the students in the sample (qOVr) larew the meaning of colosfum. Only 22Yo students gave the right answer about the right time for the first feed. Regarding the frequeniy of breast feeding, one third gave the right answer.The study showed considerable deficiency in the knowledge of the college femalg shrdents about breast feeding. Relevant knowledge and skills about breast feeding should be included in the curriculum of college to prepare them successfirl breast feeding.
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