water contamination with protozoa in Kirkuk province


  • Yahya Gargies Salman




A total cf 150 water samples examination in Kirkuk province were carried out using direct deposit examine microscopically, study parameters involves four type of water collections : direct (governmental pipes), indirect ( tank vehicle) ,well water & river water ( Khasah Sou), which divided in to four positions. The main aims of this study are to detect role of parasitic stages in contamination of water in Kirkuk Province & to assess the relationship between water contamination with protozoa & some water quality tests like (PH, Turbidity & chlorine percentages). The result of the study shows all rate of contamination 14%, which divided into 12 % & 2 % in urban area & rural area respectively ,P<0.05. River water shows high rate of contamination 12 %, followed by 1.33 % & 0.66% from direct (Governmental pipes) & well water respectively P<0.05.The rate of water turbidity was 10.66 % with high occurrence in river water 5.33 % & the lowest rate 0.66% was in wells. P<0.05.Abnormal chlorine percentage was seen in 6-water sample with the rate 4 % P>0.05. Abnormal PH of water samples were ranged from 5.23 to 10.3 which had no role in frequency of parasitic forms in ‘water, P<0.05.The more common parasitic forms that found are Entamoeba histolytica that was highly dominated in river water 12 % followed by Giardia lamblia 3.22%. Other microorganisms that are isolate include

Candida species 12.6 % and Paramecium 12%. Total rate of water contamination with microorganisms is 42 %.




How to Cite

Gargies Salman Y. water contamination with protozoa in Kirkuk province. Tikrit J. Pharm. Sci. [Internet]. 2023 Mar. 30 [cited 2025 Mar. 31];3(1):78-85. Available from: https://tjphs.tu.edu.iq/index.php/j/article/view/96